It's ALMOST Baseball season! My sweet boy has been working so hard this year for his High school Junior year to start. Evan played in a number of showcases and tournaments last summer as well as playing summer and fall ball with his local team. He pitched in the winning game at the Oregon State Baseball camp and the highlight of his summer was getting invited and playing in The Perfect Game NW 2016 showcase. His thoughts of having a awesome Junior year came to screeching halt when Evan tore his ACL in a basketball game... After a number of doctor appointments and X-rays, a MRI and visits with the Orthopedic Surgeon. The … [Read more...]
Hello Spring
TODAY being the first day of Spring, I have to shout from the rooftop- HELLO SPRING!... I love redecorating my home with Spring colors, some of my very favorites are yellow, pink and green. I'm obsessed with lemons, flowers and cake stands for my kitchen. I change some of my living room pillows out to Spring colors as well. I also, love Springing up my guest bathroom maybe getting a new hand towel or even adding a new candle to the mix. I hope these Spring colors and ideas are inspiring to you? Have FUN redecorating your home for Spring! SHOP THIS LOOK: … [Read more...]
Girl Boss Essentials
To be a Girl Boss, it takes some organization and patience to achieve whatever it is that I'm set out to accomplish. When I travel, attending conferences or even when I'm at home... these are some of MY Girl Boss Essentials I carry with me. These items either comfort me or simply I need them to be productive in everyday work mode. CELL PHONE CHARGERS DAILY PLANNER COLORED PENS BUSINESS CARDS BOTTLED WATER ADVIL TOOTHPASTE LIP BALM SHOP THIS LOOK: … [Read more...]
NCL Tea Party
I feel super honored to have been asked to bake and decorate 14 dozens of cookies for the end of the year Tea for The National Charity League. Although, I have a lot of things to learn when it comes to decorating and I'm still learning the tricks or the trade. Practice makes perfect, royal icing is hard to get perfect. I'm trying and will continue to practice. I was happy with the way they turned out. I was also excited that I was featured on Ernstopia blog, you can read her blog post HERE. Alyssa, did a whole post about the Tea Party and shared how she LOVED my cookies. Thank you! … [Read more...]
Pizza Weekend
My Brother and his family came into town for the weekend. His wife and two daughters stayed with us. My nieces are the sweetest little things. We watched the movie Moana and went to Target for a little shopping experience. We had such a packed fun filled weekend once everyone left on Sunday afternoon, I knew I didn't have the energy to make dinner so we decided to get Pizza takeout. MOD Pizza is newest/closest to our home, so that was the Pizza of choice. Don't you just love a good Pizza night? Seriously, I'm obsessed with my PIZZA sweatshirt... I was already wearing it, I must have had Pizza on my mind... Hope YOU had a wonderful weekend! … [Read more...]
The Heart Felt Grid
My sweet friend Rachel Allene, who I met at The Together Experience. Rachel hosted a Instagram Challenge this last week called The Heart Felt Grind. It really touched my heart and I was so happy and honored to have been a part of it. Each day, Rachel had certain themes and you were to post about. The above photos are the ones I posted about... head over to my Instagram to read about each day. Also, check out #theheartfeltgrid on Instagram to read many more amazing stories. Bless this journey and everyone who was involved. … [Read more...]
Sweet Brenna
A week ago, I had to deliver horrible news to my daughter! I woke up to a phone call from a family friend letting me know that one of my daughter's friend had been killed in a car accident. I knew my daughter would be waking up soon... to beat any social media posts, I hung up the phone and ran downstairs to her room. Luckily, I told her before she saw anything online. Sitting in utter disbelief, we cried. Brenna Marissa Collacchi is now a Angel in Heaven. She was a lovely young lady who filled any room she entered with joy and happiness. Ellie and Brenna danced together at Clackamas High School and shared some amazing memories together. WHY? … [Read more...]
Spring Pajamas
SHOP THIS LOOK: {SHORTS} SHOP THIS LOOK: {PANTS} It's SPRING season, and that means... Pajama swap out! Sometimes, I feel like shorts and other nights I feel like pants? I never know what I'm wearing until it's on my body. I wanted to give you the newest and most popular SPRING style for 2017. Pastels + Florals are all the rage. One of my very favorites is Model + Make, they are so soft and very comfortable. … [Read more...]
Pier 1 Imports Feature
I am over the moon excited! One of my styled photos was featured on Pier 1's website! Eeeeek... This white scalloped cake stand really is one of my very favorites. I love it because WHITE goes with any party and the scalloped edge detail gives a little feminine flair. Pier 1 Imports had a few different sizes... I say, get one of each size! For easy shopping go HERE. SHOP THIS POST: … [Read more...]
Together Experience Recap
I had a BLAST! The Together Experience was everything I hoped for and MORE... I was a little under the weather, but I think I held my own. I'm already looking forward to next year! All of the Speakers were awesome. One of my very favorites was Rachel Allene, she shared how to style photos- and because I'm a hands on girl... it was my favorite! Smirk PhotoBooth was all set up ready for us one of the party nights... I'm always game for a good PARTY photo! Some of Portland's bests, also photoed... and would be super fun to follow are listed below! Devan McCabe- Nimbi Creavtive Marnie Jayne- The Mint Sweater Katie Dessin- Katie Dessin … [Read more...]
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